$60 a Day with CPA Marketing

For many entrepreneurs, the goal is to find new revenue streams with significant earning potential. Reading a blog on Medium recently lead me to an interesting new platform where you may promote quite basic offers and make quick money. Be mindful that you will not be conducting product sales. Many people are making large sums of money after testing this new network.
I’m going to break down exactly how you can make great money with this new method from anywhere on this earth with no monetary investments. More  importantly, you don’t need to have a large social media following to even start.

let’s talk first about what is CPA marketing. CPA means cost per action marketing and this is a digital marketing model where advertisers are going to pay you or I and we’re referred to as the publisher for specific actions completed by visitors like app downloads email submissions or even purchases again.

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For example, if an app developer offers $8 per install for their app that they just created and you generate ten (10) downloads through whatever methods you choose. in this case let’s say you do so with an affiliate link, you’re going to earn a whopping $80 without having to sell or create anything yourself.

It’s as simple as that. and listen these things are done with social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, etc which we always use without getting paid.

For example is you’re on TikTok, you can talk about this app install in a video and tell about the benefits of the app. You can also talk about the CPA program to wet the appetite of your viewers. After this, you can copy your affiliate link in your video description for the then to click. You don’t need large social followers to do this. Simple right?

Remember you’re not the one  creating these apps or offers. You’re  just recommending it to others and yes it is affiliate marketing but the big difference here is you’re leveraging a network and as a publisher you are able to extend offers and make this money. It is like you’re advertising a company’s product for them in a simple way.


  • The platform is called ADSTERRA CPA NETWORK.
  • Click on the link above to go to the platform.
  • Obviously, you have to sign up by creating an account.
  • You can sign up as a publisher or an affiliate. it’s really up to you.
  • As a publisher you will not need to be approved and you’ll be able to start earning the minute you start promoting offers and getting persons to convert and become customers. But note that as a publisher, you must have a website.
  • With the affiliate option, you’ll need to allow time for your application to be processed and as such approved if you are going to be considered. This is where you can use social media platforms to earn.

$60 in 20 minutes

First selected the right offers from the Adsterra platform. in this example, i chose an app installation offer that had a payout of about $5 per install.

After signing up to Adesterra, you will find the offers there and you can choose which one you want to promote.

I then targeted an audience that would likely be interested in apps and i leverage free traffic sources. For this example, you used TikTok. After that, you can also share that video on instagram, twitter and facebook for your friends to also participate. As you keep on doing this, the more money you will earn.

Earn money as a Publisher 

After signing up as a publisher, click on direct links on the left tab of your adsterra console.

  • Establish a Direct Link: 
    click the green CREATE DIRECT LINK button below to start a new ad campaign. Choose your link category and delete any campaigns that contain annoying advertising if necessary.
How ads are created as a publisher
Create ads as a publisher

Nb: If you don’t want exotic ads popping up, it’s best you check non-adult.

  • Copy the link from there and share them on your various social platforms. The more people click on them, the more money you make.

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