Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate 2024 With Coursera

Are you trying to find a free certification course from Google? Beginners from all around the world can enrol in the online Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate course. A range of free certification programmes in data analytics are available from Google, equipping students with useful knowledge and respected credentials. With this Google Data Analytics Certification, you can immediately begin your career in data analytics without a degree or prior experience. In the modern world, there is a growing need for data analysts as they possess a highly sought-after expertise. In addition to imparting technical skills that are in demand, the online Google Data Analytics course provides applicants with a flexible learning path that works with their schedules.

See also: Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate 2024 With Coursera

Details about the Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate Courses:

Course 1: Foundations: Data, Data, Everywhere

Course 2:  Ask Questions to Make Data-Driven Decisions

Course 3: Prepare Data for Exploration

Course 4: Process Data from Dirty to Clean

Course 5: Analyze Data to Answer Questions

Course 6: Share Data through the Art of Visualization

Course 7: Data Analysis with R Programming

Course 8: Google Data Analytics Capstone: Complete a Case Study

Duration of study: 6 months

Requirements for Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate 2024 Eligibility:

  • Applicants for the Google Career Certificate may be nationals or international.
  • Enrollment is open to individuals of all ages with no age limitations.
  • Applications for this online course are highly encouraged from those with an interest in data science and analytics.
  • Furthermore, in order to access the online course materials, a reliable internet connection is required.
  • To apply for the Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate, you do not need to have any prior education or work experience.
  • Applicants must exhibit a strong desire to acquire and use data analytics abilities.

Advantages of Google’s Data Analytics Professional Certificate Programme:

  • Students can choose their own schedules and go at their own speed. Since it’s a beginner-level training, neither prior experience nor certification are required.
  • The Google data analytics training improves employment opportunities in the quickly expanding data analytics industry.
  • Participants will gain knowledge of platforms, tools, and basic analytical abilities that are necessary for entry-level jobs.
  • Additionally, it offers a career certificate that can be added to the CV, résumé, or LinkedIn profile of the learner.
  • There are nine more languages available in addition to English for the Google Data Analytics Certificate.

How to Apply

Apply here

DEADLINE: There is no deadline

See also: Free Training in Programming for Beginners

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